Reverse Conception Calculator

* click for calendar

Due Date or Baby Birth

Sexual Activities Start

Conception Date

Ovulation Date

About reverse conception calculator

The reverse conception calculator helps to plan a date for conception for women who want their babies born on an exact day and month of the year. Women who wish to give birth to their child on a particular day can use a reverse conception calculator to determine their conception date. While knowing when your baby is due is critical, avoid getting too busy on a specific date. You might only see the day you became pregnant if you knew when you had ovulation. A woman can use the Reverse Due Date Calculator or Reverse Conception Calculator to find an approximate conception time if she knows the baby's due date. The calculator helps to estimate a date range for conception and the likely number of days that sexual intercourse may have led to birth. The way to know your conception date is the last time you had a period cycle. You can use our reverse conception calculator by entering the birthdate of the baby you are expecting and the mensuration cycle.

What is a reverse conception date calculator?

The calculator considers the baby's birthday and the mother's menstruation cycle length and estimates the conception date. This calculator is used by people who are trying to conceive but are unsure when they conceived or those who want to know their due date in advance to plan for it.

Why is the date of conception important?

It is important for some women because they cannot plan their pregnancies and want to know the best time to conceive based on their cycle. The reverse conception calculator is a great way to prepare for a baby and decide when a mother should conceive. This calculator helps by calculating the important dates a mother should start trying for the baby.

What is needed to calculate date of conception?

A reverse conception calculator calculates the date of conception by entering the desired baby's birthday and the menstruation cycle of a mother.

How to calculate the conception date according to the baby's birthday?

Knowing the date when you should conceive your baby is not easy. You can find out the conception date of your baby in just a few seconds. This calculator only requires when you want to give birth to your child and your menstruation cycle. After giving inputs, just click Calculate button and get results.

Reverse Conception Calculator